Nitrogen Deficiency of Cucurbit Crops
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Nitrogen deficiency generally appears as a yellowing of older foliage on plants. Nitrogen is the most abundant nutrient in the plant and often the most limiting nutrient for plant growth. Cucurbits are not particularly heavy nitrogen feeders but can experience nitrogen deficiencies during periods of rapid growth or fruit set.
Nitrogen deficiency on pumpkins.
(Photo: Timothy Coolong, University of Kentucky)
- For cucurbit crops that are grown with drip tape and black plastic mulch, broadcast and disk in about 1⁄3 to 1⁄2 of the total nitrogen requirement for a season prior to forming beds; fertigate the remainder throughout the season.
- When not using drip irrigation or black plastic, the remaining nitrogen can be banded in one or two side-dressings prior to fruit formation.
- For specific fertility recommendations in Kentucky, see the Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers (ID-36).